
Microsoft Teams Alternatives for Medical Practices

As a medical practice owner, you may want to explore alternatives to Microsoft Teams. Here are some options to consider and questions to ask when evaluating chat messaging solutions.

Why Your Medical Practice Should Consider Alternatives to Microsoft Teams?

If you are reading this, chances are you are looking for an alternative to Microsoft Teams for your medical practice.

There are a number reasons to consider an alternative to Microsoft Teams and using another platform (yes, we are biased), but we will explain more below :)

Thank you for starting a medical practice! The value of independently owned physician practices to their communities is much needed. And we want to help as many physicians as possible with their medical practice start-up.Yes, starting a Medical Practice has it’s challenges, but with the right people and support the rewards & impact will outweigh the difficulties.

Microsoft Teams Alternatives

Looking for an alternative to Microsoft Teams for your medical practice? We've compiled a list of four great alternatives to consider. Each of these platforms offer unique features and benefits tailored specifically for medical practices:

  1. StaffApp MD
  2. OHMD
  3. Luma Health
  4. Tiger Connect

Three Questions to ask when selecting a chat messaging solution.

By comparing the available options with the following questions, you can determine which chat messaging solution is the most suitable for your practice's needs.:

  1. Features
  2. Price
  3. HIPAA Compliance - will you sign a Business Associate Agreement – BAA?

Chat Communication for Medical Practice Features

1. Team Communication & Chat Messaging for Medical Teams

When looking for the best fit for your team look for the following features:

Chat Messaging Platform Features for Medical Teams:

     •   Direct Messaging

            •  The ability to easily and quickly send one-to-one chats with team members will increase real time communication.

     •   Group Messaging (Custom Groups)

            •  Your practice may want a Front Office, Back Office, Billing, Referral, Provider, Physician, Management, or other custom group.

     •   Notifications (pop-up notifications, sound notifications, tab notifications)

            •   To make sure your team will communicate / chat quickly with each other your platform needs to quickly notify each user of the arrived message.

2. Additional Communication Features

In addition to team chat communication, decide what other feature benefits might help your team.

Examples of other communication features:

Team Collaboration:

  • Documents
  • Notes
  • Policies
  • Training
  • Onboarding

Physician Colleagues & Referral Network Communication:

  • Primary Care Practice Communication
  • Specialty Care Practice Communication
  • Patient Referral Communication

<div class="rich-text-blue-box-titled"><div class="rich-text-box-title">Pricing of Alternatives</div><p class="p-18-medium-inter p-white">When considering software platforms for your medical practice, it's important to understand their pricing structures. Some platforms may charge by user, provider, or location, and pricing can vary significantly between options, so it's essential to do your research and compare prices before making a decision.</p></div>

Choosing the best software option for your Medical Practice

Take your time to evaluate your software decisions. Reach out to the platform and get, share your needs, and get some specific feedback.If you have asked the questions above, seen a demo, or started a free trial, then you can have more confidence in how the platform will fit your teams needs.

Our team would be happy to provide additional information or help get your team started with a chat messaging solution for your medical practice.

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